Three Things to LOVE about Triathamom
Valentine's Day is just around the corner and we've got love on the brain. The kind of love that happens when you cross the finish line with perfect strangers or your girlfriends/mom/sister. What everyone seems to love about Triathamom, and what makes it really special, is the LOVE that happens there. It's just magical... and here's why.
1. LEAVE THE COMPETITION BEHIND. We all know it's a fact that women are competitive with each other in general. We compare ourselves to each other in the way we look, cook, decorate, work, parent... the list goes on and on. But Triathamom is an opportunity to forget about all that and just cheer each other on! The hope is that once you feel how it is to be happy for each other we can be a little more kind to ourselves and compare less. Comparison is the thief of joy... and we like joy!

2. BOND WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE. Use Triathamom training to get closer to your dear friend or family member! We love seeing moms and daughters, sisters, and friends all participating. Triathamom is an awesome opportunity to accomplish something amazing TOGETHER! Man, we're getting excited just thinking about it!

3. GAIN MORE SELF-LOVE. Last, but certainly not least... gain confidence in YOU. When you do something that once seemed too hard, you will be overwhelmed with a sense of self-love. You will be proud of yourself. And your loved ones will be proud too... which will make you even more proud. Prove to yourself you can do hard things at Triathamom and you will be more confident in all aspects of your life! Wow! We can't wait to watch it happen! <3

WE LOVE YOU ALL. And we love putting on Triathamom so you can learn and grow. You truly inspire us. GO TRIATHAMOM!